Table of Contents

Inviting Partners

Jessica Powell Updated by Jessica Powell

Before you can start trading with your customers via Convictional, you will need to invite them to create a Convictional account.

Note: You must have already created the price list you are going to assign. If you have not, go to the Prices tab to create the new price list.

Invite A New Partner

  1. Navigate to the Partners page
  2. Fill in the "Invite a New Buyer" form
  3. Choose the price list you wish to use for this partnership
  4. Click the "Send Invite" button


Next Steps

Creating a partner is the first step in trading with your customer. Your partner will receive an email invite, providing them with a way to join the Convictional network and start trading with you.

If they are already in the Convictional network, they will see you added within their Partners tab.

If they are not already in the Convictional network, they will be invited via email to create an account in order to connect with you.

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