System Behavior Flags

Roger Kirkness Updated by Roger Kirkness

What are flags?

Convictional is designed to default to the right behavior for various B2B use cases. There are exceptions however where different companies handle a certain business rule in different ways, and there's no way to develop a universal design that serves everyone's needs. In those cases, we have flags that support can help you set on your account to change the behavior to suit your needs.

Using flags

In order to set a flag, please contact We plan on giving you the power to manage your own system behavior flags in future but we haven't added support just yet. We can activate or deactivate them. All of them are designed to be off by default, so when you create your account none will be active. Once we set them, it will remain on until you request it be turned off.

Available flags

We currently support the following flags, which may or may not be relevant to your use case:

Skip Buyer Notifications

In drop ship use cases, Convictional often syncs shipment updates from sellers into buyer systems. Buyer systems will often trigger notifications at that point to the end customer who ordered that shipment. The are valid use cases however where you would want to suppress these notifications, such as when the order is being bulked at a central facility before being sent to the customer. In those cases, the shipment details and tracking information are not accurate, and you can avoid that confusion on the part of the end customer by simply suppressing notifications from our side.

Ignore Inventory Type

Sellers have to decide, for the inventory in your system of record, whether to allow sales to continue to take place after you have run out of stock. We refer to this as the stock type, and every product variant has one. Sometimes a seller would want to run pre-orders and other order ahead scenarios on your core consumer ecommerce system, without providing the same access to your B2B channels. This is to avoid a bad experience on the part of an end customer who bought something from a third party seller on a B2B channel but had to wait an unexpectedly long time for the product to arrive. By setting ignore inventory type, we will always use the accurate stock for a product regardless of type.

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